“Really Simple Syndication.” Humph. I understand the concept of RSS, I just don't think that I really need a Bloglines account. But I signed up for one, to do this week's assignment. Here are the websites that I tried to add to my RSS Bloglines feed:
- http://yyclibrary.blogspot.com/ (me!)
- http://cpl20.blogspot.com/ (the blog for the project that I've made this blog for!)
- http://dilbert.com/ (lols!)
- http://jezebel.com/ (a great feminist blog, which I read each and every day!)
- http://laineygossip.com/ ("advanced celebrity gossip")
- http://icanhascheezburger.com/ (more lols!)
The Dilbert comic strip was suggested by the Bloglines site, and the others are sites that I visit on a regular basis.
So... the questions:
• Were you able to successfully set up your RSS feed? If not, where did you run into problems? If you were successful, does this make information-gathering more convenient for you?
I did successfully set up the Bloglines account and subscribe to a few RSS feeds. I ran into problems with the last two (Lainey Gossip & I can has cheezburger) perhaps because those websites are not organized in a true blog fashion, and don't have the wee RSS buttons on their sites. Perhaps if I read 30 blogs on a regular basis, and those 30 didn't update frequently, I would find Bloglines useful. I have a MacBook at home, and my browser has a neat tool that when you open a new tab, a screen pops up with the sites that you frequent most. If the site has a new post, there will be a blue triangle in one corner with a star... so you know to click on it and read the new blog posting. I don't think that I read enough blogs to need RSS, but perhaps I will try Google Reader on my own at home. Another reason why Bloglines turns me off is the extremely dated logo, and cluttered appearance of the site.
I read Laineygossip every day too. I have a friend in Toronto who actually knows Lainey so often when she posts the blind riddle I can get the answer. Love that.